Hunter Outdoor Training's 'tool box'  comprises a wide range of skills and techniques to transcend curriculum boundaries; and Hunter's experience is vast throughout the education world, military and police services, environmental study, and wilderness, mountain and Arctic expedition and research. Thus we bring to the table a lot of hard-won knowledge which is the pupils' for-the-taking.

Cross-subject links and whole-curriculum coverage at Lincewood  are considerable:

Geography                          mapwork, exploration, environmental studies, expeditions, equipment knowledge, landforms and

                                                  and navigation skill using compass and terrain. Cross curricular link to science and numeracy.

Maths/Numeracy             'numbers in nature' (orienteering), distance, scale, measurement, angles, and gradients. Cross

                                                  link to geography and physical education.

English/Literacy               stimulative original work based on activities; reading about explorers; stories. Cross curricular link

                                                  to history, and citizenship.

History                                  of exploration, Plotlands, of early and ancient cultures’ eg Neolithic, Iron Age, Anglo-Saxons: use of

                                                  skills. How people in every age lived, moved, and worked outdoors, visiting their skills-base. Cross

                                                  curricular link to geography, science, numeracy, literacy, art.

Science                                 study of trees/wood, plants, insects, the body’s energy, habitats.

                                                  weather studies: the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of rainfall/temperature/wind etc

                                                  soil, rocks, water purification, Fire: ignition, combustion, useage (and abusage!).

                                                  First Aid: in-depth study (and qualification) through St. John Ambulance Young First Aider Award

                                                  organised by the school of  injuries  and conditions and how to treat them in an emergency.   

                                                  Cross curricular link to geography, environmental studies, physical education, citizenship and

                                                  life skills.

Design/Technology:       building eg shelters, stretchers, bridges, geometric shapes in architecture. Cross curricular link to

                                                  science, history, geography, numeracy. 

Phys Education                health related fitness through eg orienteering, movement skills; 'body knowledge'. Cross curricular

                                                  link to geography, citizenship.

Citizenship                         working together; helping; ‘going the second mile’. Understanding roles, rights, and responsibilities.

Life Skills                            team-work, leadership, communication, personal organisation, planning, decision making,

                                                 listening, briefing,  problem solving, group presentations. Cross curricular link to all subjects.

Art                                          colour, texture, perspective, distance, view, and composition. Cross curricular link to history, literacy,

                                                geography, science.

It is absolutely critical to engage these pupils by developing trust, knowing your craft (so that they can see you know what you're talking about!), undertaking to explain the links between the different things we do, and giving praise....after all this is education like they will not have seen before, and being 'out' in all weathers, being bombarded with information - which they're expected to remember, AND come back for more the next week and the next and the next.....means they are left in no doubt that the outdoors is a fantastic 'glue' that can weld concepts together or explain simple ones quite quickly. They have fun too; at the end of every year one of the things that Year 6 pupils state has been the best of times at Lincewood has included the outdoor education. Job done? I think so.